

Here are the fields provided by this builtin:

Field name Field description
x X position
y Y position
direction Direction in degrees
size Size as a percentage Costume name
costume.number Costume number
volume Played sound volume

Each of these fields besides and costume.number can be assigned to arbitrarily to alter that field. For example:

this.x += 10;            // Move 10 pixels to the right
this.direction -= 90;    // Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise
this.size *= 2;          // Double size
this.volume = this.size; // Not sure why you would want to do this but it's possible


Here are the methods provided by this builtin that should be used in an expression rather than as a statement:

Method name Method parameters Method description
touching target If the sprite is visually touching target
touching_color color If the sprite is visually touching the color color
color_touching_color color_1, color_2 If the color color_1 on the sprite is touching color_2 on another sprite
distance_to target The distance (in pixels) to target (both centers)

Possible values for target:

  • C.EDGE
  • Any sprite name

Color values must be in 6-digit hexadecimal form with a leading octothorpe.

This builtin provides no methods meant to be used as statements.