
To compile a project, simply type:

scrybe <args>

into a terminal. Your PATH must be set up correctly with the Python environment for this to work properly. If this doesn’t work, try:

python -m scrybe <args>

Arguments may be enclosed in double quotes.



The first argument must be a path to the project directory you wish to compile.

Output Filename

Include a valid filename ending in .sb3 to override the file name of the outputted Scratch project. By default, this is the name of the directory or the project name as configured in setup.sbc.

Log Level (-log)

Scrybe outputs logs when compiling a project. The valid log levels are:

  • 1: debug
  • 2: info
  • 3: warning
  • 4: error

Enter any of these to see that log level and any logs with a higher log level. The default log level is info.

Disable Color (-nocolor)

By default, log output is colorized. Use -nocolor to toggle this off.

Open Built (-open)

Use -open to automatically open the generated .sb3 file when it’s built. This will use your operating system’s default program for that extension.


scrybe ./project -open
scrybe ./project -log debug
scrybe "C:/Users/.../Desktop/My Project" -nocolor "my file name.sb3" -open