Variable Formats


Numbers may be either integers or decimals. Decimals may optionally have a digit before the period. With integers, you have several formats available:

  • Binary (base 2): 0b101, 0b110001011, 0b101010101
  • Octal (base 8): 0o174, 0o2251, 0o736
  • Base 10: 15, 640, 1078
  • Hexadecimal (base 16): 0xDEADBEEF, 0x1f2f3f

Note that all integers are case-insensitive (when using alternate number systems).


Strings are enclosed in double or single quotes and can be escaped with a backslash (\). They cannot be split across multiple lines, however most escape codes (\n, \t) work as expected.


Booleans take the form of the keyword true or false. When using an integer in place of a boolean (for example, in a loop condition), zero is the only falsy value.


Lists are enclosed by brackets ([, ]) and cannot be nested or added with the + operator. They may be split across multiple lines.