
In Scratch, assets include costumes/backdrops and sounds. These specific kinds of declarations require one or more filepaths/glob expressions.


The valid asset declaration names are costume and sound. Do not add an -s at the end if you are providing a list to it.


The filepath(s) provided in an asset declaration are always relative to the project directory. For example, if you added a costume that pointed to "assets/ball.png", Scrybe would try to find that file like so:

project directory/
|-- assets/
|   |-- ball.png
|   ...

If you are providing a list of filepaths and/or glob expressions, they must also be enclosed in brackets. Otherwise, leave it as a string.

Both sprites and the stage can use these declarations. Adding a “costume” to the stage is the same as adding a backdrop, however you must still use the costume declaration name.


Here are some examples of valid asset declarations:

#costume "assets/ball.png"
#costume "images/*.jpg"
#costume ["assets/*.png", "assets/*.jpg", "assets/*.bmp"]
#sound "audio/background loop.mp3"
#sound ["assets/jump.wav", "assets/death.wav"]