Variable Functions

Similarly to other languages, you can call functions on variables to alter their content or use attributes to get information about it.


Numbers have no fields, methods, or functions.


Strings have one field, length, that contains the amount of characters it holds.


Booleans have no fields, methods or functions.

General variables

General variables also have one field, length, that works the same way strings do.


Lists have one field, length, that contains the amount of elements it holds. Lists also have one method, index, that gets the index of the first occurence of an item.

Lists have the following functions:

Function name Function parameters Description
push item Adds item to the end of the list
insert index, item Inserts item at index
remove index Removes the item at index
clear None Removes all items from the list


Conversion between variables can be done with the following built-in functions:

  • tonum(...) - Convert argument to a number
  • tostr(...) - Convert argument to a string